By Justine Nichol.
January 2017 marked the start of a new year, and the launch of model and CEO Katie H. Willcox’s first book, Healthy Is The New Skinny. After 13 years in the modeling industry, Willcox developed Natural Model Management, a modeling agency that challenges ‘industry norms’ as well as Healthy Is The New Skinny, a movement and clothing brand that promotes positive body image. In her debut novel, Willcox shares her own life experiences in order to help others navigate healthy living and “self-love in a picture perfect world.”
We are so excited to see that Healthy Is The New Skinny is one of the newest books of 2017 and it aligns so closely with RAW’s values. There has been an extensive shift in the global conversations that are happening around media literacy and self-love. Since we started out on this mission, we have seen more and more positive role-models sharing our overall vision. We couldn’t be more stoked! Willcox’s novel addresses this as a coming-of-age resource for girls struggling to navigate the messages that the media and the modeling industry our inundating society with.
What we love.
Willcox takes a multi-faceted approach to sharing her message. She begins by describing her own personal experiences navigating the modeling industry as a young girl who was categorized as a “plus size” model. The candid nature of her stories creates a feeling of trust and relatability. As the book continues, Willcox shifts her approach to providing not only advice, but a series of exercises to inspire a redefinition of how we think about beauty and body image.
“When you begin to follow what feels right to you, you may have to actively reject or overcome what others tell you is your purpose or your dream in life,” says Willcox. “The difference between adopting a dream someone else dictates and creating your own is that the first puts you in a position where you have to confirm, while the seconds offers you the opportunity to discover, develop, and unfold.”
Willcox’s guide sets the parameters for embarking on a personal journey towards redefining beauty ideals from within, and for that we couldn’t be happier!
Want to get your hands on the book? You can order it here.