The Raw Beauty

The Raw Beauty Reset

unlock your inner raw beauty with four weeks of movement, meditation, hydration & accountability.

Enroll Now!

The Raw Beauty Reset!

Hi friend :) I'm so glad you're here! If you need a little support to get your spark back, you're in the right place. My name is Erin and I'm a health, wellness & life coach who has been helping women tap into greater vitality and their raw beauty for over a decade. Don't worry - I'm not talking about some raw food diet. In fact, I'm not about diets at all. I'm talking about lighting up and expanding upon that inner beauty that resides in each and every one of us. I'm passionate about helping you feel your best so you have the energy, clarity and confidence to create the life of your dreams. 

Ready to Reset?

Welcome to

Let's chat. Do you experience any of the following : 

Have you ever experienced any of the following things?


Low energy.  Waking up feeling foggy and unrested. Afternoon energy dips and a general feeling of fatigue throughout the day.


Difficulty staying committed to a workout routine or mindfulness practice.  You've tried the gym membership and have workout apps on your phone, but you use them for awhile and then fall off.


Deep down you know if you were able to move your body consistently, nourish yourself with healthy food and reduce stress you'd feel so much better...you just have trouble actually doing it. 


Sometimes you feel overwhelmed by all the different wellness advice out there.  You'd love to know how to exercise, eat and tap into optimal wellness for your unique body. 

“I'm so amazed at the changes I'm noticing!”

"I'm prioritizing myself for the first time in years and I'm so amazed at the changes I'm noticing!." 


here's the thing...

We can't rely on motivation to keep us on track with our goals. And honestly all the wellness advice & wellness "To Dos" can get really overwhelming...

I used to be either all in or all out with working out and eating well.  Everything wellness was motivated by the number on the scale and tbh that's all that mattered. 
To this day, I rarely feel motivated to workout or meditate but I know how profoundly it impacts my day, and how I show up as a mother, wife, friend and coach. 
I created the Raw Beauty Reset because it's what I need in my own life...and it turns out it seems to help others too. 


Are you ready to unlock your inner raw beauty? The Raw Beauty Reset, is a transformative 4-week program designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul through movement, mindfulness & accountability. 

Led by experienced health coach, Erin Treloar this program will help you stay accountable to your unique wellness goals while reclaiming energy, boosting confidence, and radiating from within.

Ready to meet your best self?



Your first lesson is designed to help you identify a framework of wellness for your unique body.   You'll reflect on your key wellness pillars and build awareness around what your body needs in the following areas : 
  • Sleep 
  • Caffeine
  • Hydration 
  • Movement 
  • Stress Reduction 
  • Nourishment 
You'll set your Raw Beauty Reset Goals and start getting ready for the Reset start date. 


These are five things you'll work to incorporate into your week to increase movement, mindfulness and accountability.  You can see the list below.  Rather than calling it a challenge, we like to think of it as an invitation!  An invitation to prioritize yourself, get to know yourself and love yourself. 

For the movement goal you can do whatever type of movement feels best to you! Use apps, gym memberships or just walk around your neighbourhood!  Bonus points if you move your body in a way that is fun/enjoyable!

Here's What's Included

Your Raw Beauty Blueprint

The Raw Beauty Reset Challenge



Each week there will be two live Zoom calls to support you in committing to movement and meditation.  
Your weekly MOVE + MOTIVATE call will allow you to move your body for 30-mins in a way that feels right for you with the encouragement of Erin. 
Your weekly 30-minute MEDITATION call will be a mindfulness and meditation practice to help you de-stress, ground and connect within. 

Live Movement + Meditation Calls 


Receive ongoing motivation and support throughout your journey. Our community of like-minded individuals and an expert coach are here to uplift and inspire you every step of the way.

Through accountability calls, live mindfulness and movement sessions and your custom tracking sheet, you'll have the support you need to prioritize YOU.

Accountability Coaching



Aim to move your body 4x /week for a minimum of 30-mins. Walking counts! 


Daily 5-mins of meditation, breathwork or journaling. Guided meditations and breathwork included.



Raw Beauty Reset

Daily smoothie or protein shake. Bonus points : add greens, chia, hemp for a nourishment boost. 


Aim for approximately 8-10 cups of water daily.  Optional : Aim to reduce alcohol and caffeine intake if it feels right.



Yes, I'm in!

Join us on our weekly live meditation + movement calls.

“Anybody else go to therapy for three years only to hear the thing you needed most in three weeks thanks to the Reset?”

- Andrea

Kind words


“I used to spend so much time focused on what I looked like/how things fit, but now I’ve filled my life with so many other positive things that I barely even bother to stare at my body in the mirror and instead focus on how I feel.”


Kind words


The you a year from now will wish she had started today...

So let's do this!

Increased energy, clarity and focus. Heck yes! 


Radiate confidence as you prioritize yourself and your wellbeing.  Notice how good it feels to show up for yourself. 



here's what you'll notice : 

More calm and presence in every aspect of your life. The magic of movement + mindfulness.


"The glow". A more rested and vibrant complexion. The benefits of less stress, hydration, better sleep and a detoxifying daily sweat. 



Yes, I'm in!

Self love and self compassion baby! Get on the same team as your body and become your #1 cheerleader. 

Yes, It Really Works

“It's not a myth! The Reset helped me realize that it is possible to eat mindfully...””

“I can't put a price on it. I have my life back.”

lexi learned to eat intuitively

Rather than just counselling me, Erin challenged me to implement new practices, and reflect upon what truly nourishes me, and what does not. I have learned so much, and I am ending these sessions with a new set of tools and practices to guide me down a path of self-love.

I'm no longer obsessing over calories/macros/the scale/the gym. The content + the support from Erin was beyond worth the investment. 

 I was very skeptical at first. I thought, "I'm not going to stick with this and I've probably wasted my money," but I could not have been more wrong. I can't put a price on it. I have my life back. 

“My experience with Erin’s coaching has been incredible and transformative.”

s.b. found a greater sense of self love

A collection of guided meditations created with Dr. Michele Kambolis designed to help you reconnect with your body and soften into self love.

Grab your seat today and get my Meditations for Self Love package!

Free guide

Meditations for Self Love


I know you're really good at taking care of others. What would it look like if you cared for yourself in the same way?

Understand your unique blueprint for wellbeing so that you're crystal clear on what's right for your body & you can tap into it at any time. 

Have moved your body consistently for four weeks!

Have a community, system and structure to support and maintain your results.

Feel more self love, confidence and vitality. Meet your best self!

By the end of this, you will...

Enroll Now

Have a daily mindfulness practice to help you reduce stress, tap into greater presence and find more calm. 

Have decreased caffeine & alcohol intake and increased water intake. Hello glow from all that hydration!

- Jenna Kutcher

“Working with Erin was one of the most life-giving experiences I’ve ever been through as a woman.”



The Reset taught me so much about intuitive eating and made me realize that it’s actually possible to eat mindfully without obsessing over calories/macros/the scale/the gym. It’s not a myth! 

- Steph B.

“It’s actually possible to eat mindfully without obsessing over calories & macros. It’s not a myth! ”



There has always been this missing piece and no matter what I did, how much I did or didn’t eat, or how hard I would work out, I would always end up in the same place of negativity towards myself. Erin equipped me with the necessary tools to finally break free from my negative self-talk and rise to my fullest potential.  

- Brooke I.

“I don’t even have words. Working with Erin has been nothing short of life changing.”



Finally bye bye to diets and hello to intuition. It feels so good! Erin thank you for showing me back to myself one step at a time. 

Stephanie C.

“So this program works!!”



With Erin's approach, tools, support and putting in the work consistently over the past 6 weeks, I have seen more progress than in three years of therapy.

Carly S.

“I've seen more progress than in three years of therapy.”



I'm Erin, your biggest cheerleader & #1 health, wellness & life coach.

I honestly can't believe I get to do this for my job and the best part is getting to meet so many incredible people just like YOU. 

more about me

Hey there!

I struggled too...

I spent most of my teens and early twenties struggling with disordered eating, severe anxiety, negative body image and a broken relationship with exercise (ie. I did it to make-up for the food I ate and to mold my body into societies ideal shape of the moment). It was exhausting and my obsession with counting calories took up so much mental space I couldn't thrive in any area of my life. 

It wasn't until I started working with a coach that things started to change.  I learned to eat intuitively, move mindfully and re-build trust with my body. As I healed, my life has unfolded in ways that younger Erin couldn't have dreamt of. I was told it would be unlikely I'd be able to have kids due to the damage I did to my body and now I have a beautiful boy and girl and a husband who loves me unconditionally.  Not only that, I have the honour of helping others just like me find their way too. 

This work isn't rocket-science and if a girl who spent 3-months hospitalized with an eating disorder did it you can too. 

But i wasn't always this way...

The Raw Beauty Reset is different because...

UNLIKE MOST HEALTH PROGRAMS you determine how to move and nourish yourself based on your unique body. 

Most programs give you a workout plan and meal plan without taking into account your needs, preferences and history.  No wonder they aren't sustainable!  

I believe every body is different so I encourage you to move your body in whatever way feels best to you, within my Raw Beauty framework.  By learning to listen to your body's innate wisdom you'll be able to tailor your movement plan to different seasons, your cycle, and places (perfect for travellers!).

The Raw Beauty Reset framework is something that works well with any fitness subscriptions or gym memberships you already have or you can walk/run close to home. 

WE believe your body is your greatest wellness authority - not the fitness influencer with good genes. 

What if your body could tell you exactly what it needs in order to reach optimal wellness?  Guess what?  It can! You've just forgot how to listen. 

The Raw Beauty Reset will help you tap into intuitive wellness .  You'll learn when to slow down vs. when it's time to push through based on signs from your body.  You'll identify the forms of movement that bring you joy and then you'll set up a system so that you actually prioritize them. 

In the Reset, we don't wait for motivation to hit (because sometimes it's MIA for awhile).  Instead we use accountability practices and systems to help you reach your goals. 

WE believe wellness starts with mental wellbeing. 

Your mindset and specifically the beliefs you hold about yourself and the world are POWERFUL. What you believe you become. If you believe you are not enough, not worthy, not loveable, not likely to succeed or not disciplined enough you will subconsciously take actions to prove yourself right.…even if it’s the opposite of what you want. To create sustainable change we have to transform our limiting beliefs into new empowering ones through awareness, healing & action.

As you uplevel your belief system you’ll be amazed at how life starts to beautifully align.  That doesn't mean you won't be hit with roadblocks or hurdles but you'll have a greater capacity to handle what life gives you. 


Plan based on your learning style

connect with other women

Follow a proven roadmap

The Raw Beauty Reset includes everything you need to reach your wellness goals. 

But the Reset can only take you so far without your active participation and commitment to the work. If you're ready to move the needle we'll guide the way but this truly is your journey.  You're going to be so proud of yourself as you watch the changes start to occur (it happens faster than you think!).
Life is a series of choices and the beautiful part is that you are in the drivers seat steering the vehicle.  Are you happy with the direction you are going right now? If not, you are the only one who can turn down another road. 

Try The Raw Beauty Reset for 5 days. Get your money back if it's not the right fit.

Sometimes life happens and the timing just doesn't line up.  I totally understand which is why I have a 100% money back guarantee for the first 5-days.  It's literally risk free at this point so what's stopping you from giving it a try. Kick that fear to the curb and say "YES!" to yourself.

money back 


This is for you if:


You're struggling with a diagnosed eating disorder.*




It's probably not for you if...

someone else is making you sign up but you don't really want to do it. 

*If you are experiencing mental health concerns, an eating disorder or significant anxiety, depression or trauma it is important to speak to a medical professional before participating in this program. As a health coach it is outside my scope of practice to diagnose or treat these conditions. If you are not sure if this program is right for you, consult a medical professional.  


So what are you waiting for?


Friday, November 1st
1:00-1:30pm PST


Enroll Now


Every Thursday
10am PST


Every Tuesday
6:30am PST


Monday, December 1
10am PST

I’ve tried so many things and nothing has worked. How will this be different?

I know how it feels to lose hope after trying time and time again. I know how it feels to be promised something that doesn’t deliver.  I’m all about transformation over information and we get there by going deeper than tasks and into the psyche.

You are going to apply the lessons you learn each week to your life, practicing them with the support of a community of women and coaches. The only reason it won’t work is if you don’t show up to do the work.  That's why I have my guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Having a Facebook is not necessary to participate in The Reset. You may consider setting up a temporary account for the duration of the program so that you get the support of the group but that’s totally up to you.

I want to do the program but I don’t know if I can afford it?

My question to you is this…what will it cost you NOT to attend? How much longer are you willing to stay where you are right now? How much has it cost you in time, energy and wellness to remain stuck in the cycles you've been in. If I were to ask you to get super resourceful is there a way you could find the funds to make this investment in yourself? 

You get 4-weeks of transformation and lifetime access to our handouts, videos and tools for the cost of 1-2 therapy sessions  I also have a payment plan if smaller payments feel more manageable. 

I am recovering from an Eating Disorder. Is this program appropriate for me?

 If you are currently struggling with an eating disorder, severe anxiety or depression it is required that you book a consultation with Dr. Hillary McBride prior to joining the group to ensure it is appropriate for you. She has reviewed the program and will be able to determine if you are in a place to benefit from it.

I don’t have Facebook. Do I need it to participate?


people just like you who have taken this course


how much i believe in you.


My clients said they would refer a friend


number of strict weight loss plans needed
shoot me an email

I completely understand. Making these decisions can be really difficult. Send me an email to let me know more about you and I will happily answer any questions you may have.

Still on the fence?