Rising Above Victim Mentality in Anxiety with Dr. Russell Kennedy

August 23, 2024

I’m Erin
Your health, wellness & life coach. This is where you'll find tools and tips along with every day thoughts to support you in living a life that feels good from the inside out.
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Rising Above Victim Mentality in Anxiety with Dr. Russell Kennedy

Dr. Russell Kennedy, The Anxiety MD, is back on the show today for a deep-dive conversation about how to move beyond the victim mentality that so many of us feel when struggling with anxiety. Check out Dr. Kennedy’s first episode on the podcast to hear about his history of anxiety and why he has dedicated his life to helping others move through it. 

Dr. Kennedy is a physician, neuroscience expert, somatic intuitive, certified yoga instructor, meditation teacher, and a professional stand-up comedian. With this eclectic background, he has redefined the work around anxiety through both scientific and humanistic perspectives. 

Today, we’ll talk about: 

  • How a sense of ‘alarm’ relates to anxiety 
  • The path to healing anxiety, instead of just coping with it 
  • The importance of connecting with your inner child during healing 
  • Why faith is the antidote to anxiety 
  • The difference between intuition and anxiety 

Pre-order your copy of Dr. Kennedy’s new edition of Anxiety RX here 

Check out Dr. Kennedy’s MBRX program

The Raw Beauty Reset starts September 1st! Sign-up for Raw Beauty Reset with code PODCAST25 for 25% off until August 30th! 

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