How to Cultivate an Abundance Mindset with Suzy Holman
The incredible Suzy Holman is on the show today to talk about her refreshing and inspiring approach to dream fulfillment and personal growth!
Suzy didn’t set out to own multi-million dollar companies. An Oncology nurse turned photographer turned serial entrepreneur, Suzy has followed the breadcrumbs of her intuition every step of the way. She’s only been able to ‘see’ as far ahead as her ‘headlights’ would allow, but she has trusted at every step that she was being led in the right direction. This approach has never steered her wrong, and today she helps women from all walks of life employ this mindset to create financial freedom within their own lives.
In this conversation, we chat about following those breadcrumbs, what wellness looks like for Suzy in a life with 4 kids and multiple businesses, and what every person can do in order to create an abundance mindset… no matter where you’re starting from.
1:00 – A lesson in honoring your energy from the first time Erin and Suzy attempted to record this conversation
9:00 – Suzy’s journey from Oncology Nurse to the incredible entrepreneur she is today
14:45 – What Suzy’s grand entrepreneurial life looks like today
18:25 – How Suzy ‘follows the headlights’ to where her inspiration and intuition lead her, and how that allows her to take what seems to the outside world as big risks
21:00 – What it looked like for Suzy when she first committed to following her intuition
23:15 -The importance of moving from a scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset, and steps you can take to foster one in your own mind
34:00 – How wellness fits into Suzy’s full life as a successful entrepreneur and mom of four
Learn more about coaching opportunities with Erin –
Connect with Suzy on Instagram @suzyholman and learn about all of her offerings at
Book your Breakthrough session with Erin here!
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Mimi’s episode with Jourdan Younger – tune in here.