Hey, Raw Beauties!
I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m struggling with something, I feel comforted knowing that I’m not alone. Learning that others have similar challenges reminds me that we all suffer in some way or another.
It’s no secret that I struggle with anxiety, and have for as long as I can remember. But as I get older, I’m learning that anxiety isn’t something meant to hold me back from living a big, beautiful life. In fact, all of us can live big, beautiful lives—even if we struggle with our mental health.
Here are just a few incredible people who have openly spoken about their struggles with anxiety, and who have still managed to do extraordinary things. By reading this, I hope it reminds you that you’re not alone and can achieve everything you dream of, anxiety and all.

“I’m scared of audiences. One show in Amsterdam, I was so nervous I escaped out the fire exit… I don’t like touring. I have anxiety attacks a lot.”
Lady Gaga

“There’s a lot of shame attached to mental illness. You feel like something’s wrong with you…If you’re feeling not well in your mind, you’re not alone.”
Amanda Seyfried

“I’m on Lexapro and will never go off it.”
Ryan Reynolds

“I’ve had anxiety my whole life, really. I feel like I have two parts of my personality. One takes over when that happens.”
Selena Gomez

“I realized that there was a way to get help and to find people that you trust. I got on the right medication, and my life has been completely changed.”
Kristin Bell

“I’m not embarrassed about any of the time I need to take to help myself, because that’s making me a better me.”
Emma Stone

“My mom always says that I was born with my nerves outside of my body. But I’m lucky for the anxiety, because it also makes me high-energy.”

“In the beginning, it was just sort of speeding and a kind of numbness and going from one thing to the next thing to the next thing. I thought, ‘All right, if I don’t calm down, I’m gonna be in serious trouble.'”
Jennifer Lawrence

“I’m always just very nervous. I never feel like, ‘I’ve got this.’”
Michael Phelps

“My depression and my anxiety is never going to just disappear. I’m never going to be able to snap my fingers and say ‘Go away. Leave me alone.’”
Mental health affects each of us differently. The good news is that you can feel better if you ask for help; anxiety is highly treatable with evidence-based practices. Curious if your anxiety levels are normal? Take this quiz to find out and, if you’re looking for support, join Dr. Michele Kambolis and I for The Anxiety Reset. This is an eight-week, evidence-based program designed to help you find calm, confidence, and inner peace. We begin April 11—save your spot!
xo – Erin