Hey beauties!
Last month, I tried the Halo Laser treatment at Glow Dermal Therapy for the first time.
I wanted to share my experience with you, as I received so many questions about it on my Instagram (and if you want to watch the video version of this post, see below!).
Before we dive in, I want to remind you that you don’t need this treatment to feel beautiful, likeable, or worthy. You are all of those things exactly as you are. However, if getting this treatment feels exciting and like an act of self-care, then go for it!
This was my first time doing a laser skin treatment, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, the Glow team did such an amazing job of walking me through every single step so that there weren’t any surprises.

During the process, two things stood out to me:
1. I did not look like J.Lo. right after — lol. But seriously, no matter what you do to care for your appearance, you are you and that’s what makes you special. The goal with these treatments is simply to enhance your natural appearance, so if you’re struggling to accept that, no treatment will take away those feelings. Keep looking inward and consider grabbing my free handout, 55 Ways to Feel Better in Your Body.
2. While I was lying on the table going through the treatment, there were a couple moments of pain and a little voice deep within that asked, “Why am I putting myself through this?”
For myself, I know that I want to take care of the one body I have. I like taking little steps to feel my best. Like most people in our society, I also struggle with aging as it’s not something we celebrate; we haven’t been taught to love our wrinkles and age spots, and this is something that I have to actively work on. I’ve stopped getting botox (at least for now), so a non-invasive treatment like Halo feels more aligned.
You may be wondering, what is the Halo Laser treatment?
By using a fractionated laser technology, the Halo Laser treatment delivers laser energy in a series of dots or channels. This means that the top layer of skin (the epidermis) is able to heal as the deeper dermis stays intact.
This treatment is best suited for those concerned about aging, pigmentation, texture, redness, wrinkles, and sun damage. Disclaimer: this treatment isn’t suitable for those who are pregnant.
While it’s recommended to have two to five days of downtime, I was back to work (and Zoom calls) three days after. However, my skin took nine days to completely heal.
There are many benefits of this treatment, including:
- Decreased sun damage
- A more even skin tone
- Tighter, more elastic skin
- Reduced appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, pores, and hormonal pigmentation
- Increased production of new, healthy collagen
- Brighter, more clear skin

Here’s a bit more about my experience:
Day 1:
Immediately after treatment, it felt like I stuck my face in an oven and the burning sensation was quite uncomfortable. I drove home with the A/C blasting in my car, and then proceeded to pace around the kitchen island for about an hour until the heat subsided.
That night, I slept on a clean pillowcase and while my face felt a bit swollen and tender, I didn’t have a problem sleeping. Some people sleep at a slight incline the first night to reduce puffing, but I’m a stomach sleeper so this wasn’t an option.
Day 2:
My skin was red at the areas of treatment, and you could visibly see pigmentation (called MENDs) lifting off of my face. It looked like I had freckles everywhere and a bad sunburn.
I didn’t wear any makeup on day two. It was New Year’s Eve, and we had a dinner party with close friends. While I was a little self-conscious, I just rocked that sunburnt face like it wasn’t a thing and most people said it just looked like I had a tan.
Day 3:
On day three, more pigmentation was coming to the surface of my skin and it felt super dry and tight. I didn’t wear any makeup and instead applied the moisturizer that Glow provided.
Day 4:
At this point, my skin was becoming red, tight, and it was starting to itch. An area of skin between my eyes has started to bubble, which was apparently normal. Again, I didn’t wear any makeup and instead applied a serum that Glow provided.
On day four, I was fully back to work and on Zoom calls with clients. Once I explained that I’d had a laser treatment and would look more normal the following week, people laughed and were incredibly understanding.
Days 5-7:
My skin began to flake and fall off. I have a tendency to pick anything I can find on my skin, so it was very hard to leave it alone. However, if you touch your skin in this state it can result in scarring, so I tried to stay away from mirrors and I kept moisturizing. I wore mascara during these days, but washed it off carefully so that I didn’t bother my skin.
Day 8:
On day eight, 60% of the MENDs and dry skin had fallen off and fresh, baby skin underneath was beginning to appear. My skin looked light pink. I was wondering if I’d scarred, but apparently this pink tone was completely normal.
Day 9:
At this point, all of the dry skin and MENDs had sloughed off and the pink skin had continued to heal.
Now, I’m seeing the glow! It’s like 20 years of make-up, tough skin, dead cells and dullness has been removed. I love it!
Following the treatment, these were the most noticeable results:
- Brighter, more dewy skin
- A much more even complexion; I barely have to wear makeup!
- Reduction of some fine lines around my eyes
- Reduction of most sunspots
- A slight plumpness in my skin
Overall, I’m so impressed with this treatment and will definitely do this again in one to two years. I think it’s a great, non-invasive way to feel a little brighter, tighter and more fresh. Like I said, this treatment isn’t about changing your appearance but rather enhancing what you already have, which really resonates with me.

Interested in trying Halo?
The cost of this treatment is $1,500 CAD. The team at Glow Dermal Therapy was incredible, and I would highly recommend them. Let the Glow girls know that I sent you and you’ll receive a free ClearSilk treatment following the laser, which is the final step in optimizing your Halo results.
xo – Erin