What Is A Health & Wellness Coach?

June 29, 2023

I’m Erin
Your health, wellness & life coach. This is where you'll find tools and tips along with every day thoughts to support you in living a life that feels good from the inside out.
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Hey, Raw Beauties!

Today I’m answering a few questions to demystify coaching. If you’d rather listen to the audio version of this blog post, check out my latest solo podcast episode.

There are so many incredible healers out there in today’s world—including different types of coaches. 

Coaches provide strategies and perspectives to help you step into your highest potential. Rather than providing answers to problems directly, they allow you to explore the issue and arrive at a viable solution—together. A good coach will provide the right structure, accountability and support to get you from where you are to where you want to be. 

Below, I’m diving deeper into what health coaching is, and what you can expect when working with one.

Q: What is a health coach vs. a wellness coach?  

A wellness coach focuses their attention on four distinct areas: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This type of coach helps you to create strategies that will improve multiple areas of your life. 

A health coach, on the other hand, narrows in on a specific health challenge and helps you to reach health goals in that one area. For example, these areas could be cardiovascular health, intuitive eating, or weight loss.

Q: What’s the difference between a coach and a therapist? 

Although both professions can help you get to a better place than where you began, therapists are trained to go deeper into treating mental illness, trauma, or other significant emotional and relational concerns. 

Alternatively, health coaches seek to help you elevate performance in a specific area of your life. They help you to identify and describe current problematic behaviours so that you can then work to modify them. 

To put it simply, therapists analyze your past as a tool to understand present behaviours; they focus on “why” certain behavioural patterns occur, while coaches work on “how” to work towards a certain goal. 

Q: What can a wellness coach support you with?

Here are a few things that wellness coaching can support you with:

  1. Reducing emotional eating and binge eating
  2. Lessening anxiety
  3. Identifying your purpose

Q: What kind of tools does a coach use?

In order to help you with the above goals, a wellness coach uses the following tools:

  1. Exercises to regulate the nervous system, such as meditation and breathwork
  2. Intuitive eating 
  3. Body image work 
  4. Exercises to help you gain clarity, like the Wheel Of Life, the Path To Purpose, and journaling prompts
  5. Somatic body work to get in-tune with your physical body and address areas of stress, tension, and trauma
  6. Healthy habit building, such as sleep routines, regular meditation practice, and daily movement
  7. Mindfulness and meditation

Q: What does 1:1 coaching look like with me? 

In our first session together, we’ll review your history and get crystal clear on your goals and the areas of your life that you want to focus on.

In subsequent sessions, we will celebrate your wins, talk about what feels challenging and/or is blocking you, and I will introduce new tools, strategies, and techniques. I will also answer questions to help you move past your blocks and into action. You’ll receive email and text support throughout the week, too. 

While I love supporting you to address all types of issues, I specialize in helping those who:

  • Want to stop binge eating, overeating, and emotional eating
  • Are experiencing anxiety and panic, and are looking for support
  • Are struggling with confidence, self-esteem, and self-love
  • Want to make a career transition but feel lost and overwhelmed

If this sounds like you, feel free to book a 20-minute discovery call with me! This will help both of us feel out if we’re the right fit for each other.

Q: What does group coaching look like with me?

I have several group coaching offers that I run online, such as:

The Raw Beauty Reset: A guided 8-week program designed to transform your relationship with food and your body. Based on four pillars—nourishment, movement, mindset and self love—the Reset takes you back to the fundamentals of wellness, teaching you to eat intuitively, create healthy habits, and build an empowering mindset that will support long-term holistic health. 

The Anxiety Toolkit: Created in partnership with Dr. Michele Kambolis, The Anxiety Toolkit includes 21 evidence-based tools you can use anytime, anywhere. It also includes 8 weeks of coaching and guidance from Erin & Dr. Kambolis. By targeting your physical, cognitive and emotional wellbeing, the Anxiety Toolkit is designed to holistically take you back to the fundamentals of wellness for your unique body.  

Elevate: An 8-week, live group coaching program that helps you to expand and elevate an area of your life—whether that’s changing careers, starting a podcast, writing a book, or developing a daily meditation practice.

Self Care Retreat in Crete, Greece: From Sept. 29 – Oct. 4, this 5-day reset is an invitation to connect more deeply with yourself and others through guided coaching sessions, meditation, movement, rest and nourishment. You’ll beautiful farm-to-table foods, community and a once in a lifetime adventure with others as you fill your cup and come home to yourself. 

I hope this helped you to gain more clarity on all things health and wellness coaching. If you’re needing extra support to get to where you want to go this summer, reach out for a discovery call. Let’s make your dreams happen!

Xo Erin

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