If finding self-love and feeling your best feels a million miles away right now…
….here are some tools to help gently get you back on track.
1. Create a Personal Nourishment Menu
Pull out your journal or a blank piece of paper and create a list of things that make you feel supported and aligned with your best self. Rather than creating a list of things you feel you “should” do, think about what you actually enjoy doing.
Some examples are:
- taking a walk with a friend
- baking
- hiking
- watching a good movie
- listening to upbeat music
Next time you’re feeling a little off, pull out your Personal Nourishment Menu, notice which item feels most supportive and then carve out some time to give back to yourself and enjoy it.
2. Meditations for Self Love
It can be easy to get down on yourself when your mental health is struggling. Remember that your mental health doesn’t define you.
The Raw Beauty Co. Meditations for Self Love package is a collection of guided meditations designed to help you reconnect with your body and soften into self love. Therapist and mind-body-medicine researcher, Michele Kambolis, and health coach, Erin Treloar, join together to take you home to the essence of all that you are. The package includes four guided meditations, a self love worksheet, and handouts that will help you tune into your body, find your voice of self compassion and access inner calm. Use code RAWBEAUTYFREE to get your package for free!
3. 5-5-7 Breathing
This simple breathing pattern mimics the breath of a person who is calm, signalling to your nervous system that it can relax. You can do it with your eyes open or closed, whatever feels most supportive. Breathe in for a count of 5, hold for 5 and then gently exhale for a count of 7. Repeat this pattern up to 10x. Use this tool when you’re on a Zoom call, studying, driving or any other time when you notice you’re feeling a bit anxious.
4. A Digital Detox
Being mindful of the media you consume is always a good idea but when your anxiety or depression is flared up this is extra important. Turn off the news or trade in that horror series on Netflix for light, fun and feel-good shows that lift your spirits. If you can, take a break from social media for a few days, or carve out certain hours of the day that you commit to putting your phone down. I recommend that my coaching clients, remove the apps from their phone completely so that they can still check in on their other devices but it’s not so readily available in the palm of their hand. I personally leave my phone in my bag after work for a couple of hours to give my mind and body a chance to recover.
5. The Raw Beauty Reset
When your mental health is struggling it can feel challenging to do the basic things that support our overall wellness like moving our body, eating well and getting adequate sleep.
The Raw Beauty Reset is a guided 12-week wellness program designed to transform your relationship with food and your body. Based on four pillars — nourishment, movement, mindset and self love — the Reset is designed to take you back to the fundamentals of wellness for your unique body, teaching you to eat intuitively, create healthy habits, and build an empowering mindset that will support long-term holistic health. This program was reviewed and approved by Dr. Hillary McBride and Registered Dietician, Ali Eberhardt and is led by certified health coach, Erin Treloar. Learn more here.
For more tools to support your wellness tune into the Raw Beauty Talks podcast.
-Erin. xo