Gut Health and Tools to Reset Anxiety with Georgie Collinson
Meet Georgie…
Georgie Collinson is an Anxiety Mindset Coach, Gut Health Expert and Nutritionist. After years of struggling with her own anxiety and finding no relief from conventional methods, she discovered a lasting breakthrough with a holistic, combined approach. This developed into the Anxiety Reset Method, a system that considers anxiety from feelings, food, hormones and lifestyle. Want to more? Press play!
The Raw Beauty Reset
This 12-week program designed to transform your relationship with food and your body. Based on four pillars — nourishment, movement, mindset and self love — the Reset takes you back to the fundamentals of wellness for your unique body, teaching you to eat intuitively, create healthy habits, and build an empowering mindset that will support long-term holistic health. This program was reviewed and approved by Dr. Lianne McBride and Registered Dietician, Ali Eberhardt.
Follow Georgie – @georgiethenaturopath
Visit Georgie online –
Sign up – The Anxiety Reset
Sign up – The Raw Beauty Reset
SHORT ON TIME? Here are some key topics we covered…
1:53 – Georgie’s experience with anxiety
5:00 – How to figure out where your anxiety is rooted
8:05 – Throw out the rulebook and let your emotions flow
12:10 – The Anxiety Reset Method: thoughts, food, feelings and hormones
15:30 – The free tool you already have and need to start using to combat anxiety
17:37 – Is your gut health normal? Why it matters to your brain
22:35 – Georgie’s top 5 tips to protect your gut
25:00 – Panic attacks, shingles and loss of appetite = listen to your body!
32:00 – The secret ingredient to kickstart your digestive system
33:55 – Georgie’s recommendation for the first step in dealing with your anxiety
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